ChromeOS.Guide Website Advertising Polcies
This website utilizes multiple advertising strategies to financially support the ongoing development and maintenance of this website and other online resources. We do believe in being transparent with our users and have created this page to inform users of the methods that the ChromeOS.Guide uses when it comes to advertising.
It is important to note that these policies only cover the ChromeOS Guide Website; they do not extend to your ChromeOS device.
ChromeOS Guide Book Series
This website is primarily funded by the revenue that is generated by the sales of the ChromeOS Guide electronic book series, which can be purchased at most online e-book retailers. All the revenue that has been generated since the book launch has been re-invested into this website and other initiatives to further improve the quality of the content.
Sales Analytics
The retailers that we use to sell and distribute our electronic books do not provide us with any personal details from customers; however, they do provide us with vague analytics regarding the sales performance of each book that is sold. We do use this to prioritize new content based on the best-selling devices, as we believe that this allows us to help as many people as possible.
Affiliate Advertising
This website makes use of affiliate advertising when referring readers to buy accessories, ChromeOS devices, and other third-party services. Purchases made with our affiliate links generate a small commission on the final sale. We are not provided with any data points on customers except anonymous statistics of the commissions generated. We are never given any customer information, customer demographics or any other information that can be used to identify a customer.
If a customer experiences any issue with the sales process on these third-party sites or services, they will need to contact their support for assistance. We are unable to assist with customer-service-related actions when it comes to products purchased on a third-party service.
We only promote or recommend services and products that we have personally tested to confirm that they work with ChromeOS. Unless otherwise noted, we purchase all products and services with our own funds. If it is a product or service that is promoted on this website and find any serious issues with the product or documentation, we strongly advise customers to reach out to us so we can revise our documentation or remove the product from our website.
Sponsoring Pages
We are open to testing accessories that are sent to us by accessory manufacturers or services from companies who wish to list their services/software on this website. These posts may be compensated and we will ensure that the product page transparently notes that the product page is sponsored. In the event of a sponsored page being posted, we always maintain editorial control over the sponsored content to ensure the accuracy or integrity of the content. If you wish to have a product, application or service listed, please contact me with the information on the ChromeOS Guide Contact Page
Professional / Consulting Services
Coming Soon
Google Ad-Sense
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