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Introduction to the cat Command in Linux

The cat command, short for "concatenate," is one of the most commonly used commands in Linux. It allows users to read, concatenate, and write file contents directly to the terminal or another file. In the ChromeOS Linux Environment (Crostini), cat is an essential tool for quickly viewing and managing text files without the need for a full-fledged text editor.

Syntax and Usage

The basic syntax of the cat command is as follows:

cat [options] [file...]
  • file: The name of one or more files to read or concatenate.
  • options: Optional flags to modify the command's behavior.

Common Use Cases

  1. Displaying the contents of a file:

    cat filename.txt

    This command prints the contents of filename.txt to the terminal.

  2. Concatenating multiple files:

    cat file1.txt file2.txt > combined.txt

    This combines the contents of file1.txt and file2.txt into combined.txt.

  3. Creating a new file with content:

    cat > newfile.txt

    After running this command, type your content and press Ctrl+D to save and exit.

  4. Appending content to an existing file:

    cat >> existingfile.txt

    Similar to the above, but it appends the input to existingfile.txt.

Useful Options

  • -n: Numbers all output lines.

    cat -n filename.txt
  • -E: Displays a $ at the end of each line.

    cat -E filename.txt
  • -T: Displays tab characters as ^I.

    cat -T filename.txt

Special Notes for ChromeOS Linux Environment

The cat command works seamlessly within the ChromeOS Linux Environment. Whether you're reviewing log files, combining configuration files, or creating new scripts, cat remains a lightweight and efficient option.

Keep in mind that if you frequently use cat to manipulate sensitive files, ensure proper file permissions to prevent unauthorized access in the shared Linux environment.


The cat command is a versatile and efficient tool for managing file content in Linux. Its simplicity and broad range of applications make it indispensable for both beginners and experienced users in the ChromeOS Linux Environment.