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Acer Chromebook 15 CB515-1HT and 1H Metadata

Acer Chromebook 15 CB515-1HT and 1H

DeviceID : AcerSand

- Manufacturer : Acer
- FormFactor : Chromebook
- BoardName : sand
- CodeName : sand
- Baseboard : sand
- BoardIndex : sand
- ReleaseDate : 2017-09-08
- UserABI : x86_64
- Kernel : 4.40
- KernelABI : 4.40
- Platform : x86_64
- CrOSLaunchVersion : R59
- CrOSLatestRelease : null
- EOL : null
- USBGadget : null
- ClosedCaseDebugging : Yes
- DeviceClass : Mid
- TargetMarket : Consumer
- RAMOptions : 4 GB
- StorageOptions : 32 GB
- ProcessorOptions : Intel Pentium N4200
- ProcessorBaseClock : 1.8 GHz
- ExternalStorage : none
- CrostiniSupport : Yes
- CrostiniGPUSupport : No
- ParallelsSupport : No
- USBPowerDelivery : Yes
- Touchscreen : Yes
- Stylus : null
- ScreenResolution : 15.6 Inch 1920x1080
- AmazonProductASIN : B076V3YMRY
- AmazonPrice : 199.99
- eBayAffiliateCode : null
- SwappaAffiliateCode : null
- RecoveryProcess : Standard
- DeveloperModeProcess : Standard
- AndroidSupport : null
- EUADate : 2024-06-30
- OverlayType : overlay
- OverlayDirectory : board-overlays
- GooglePlayBookID : YIlbEAAAQBAJ
- GooglePlayGGKey : 6FABWYDZSY9
- BarnesEAN : null
- AmazonBookASIN : null
- AspectRatio : null
- ArtResolution : 1366x768
- CrOSAssetPack : R100
- ScreenTopLeft : 107 26
- ScreenTopRight : 616 26
- ScreenBottomLeft : 107 314
- ScreenBottomRight : 616 314
- UILayout : DefaultDark
- Wallpaper : cros/April2022/m8RrsZ0UaG3HWmmgnn6f.jpg
- LauncherStyle : ProductivityLauncher
- BookVersion : 2
- CrOSUpdateKey : sand.sand
- KDPKey : null
- KoboListing : null
- KoboBookID : null
- KDPVersion : null
- FrontPorts : null
- RearPorts : null
- LeftPorts : USBA-30, USBC-Full, Kensington
- RightPorts : HeadphoneMicrophone, MicroSD, USBA-30, USBC-Full
- PowerButtonLocation : Keyboard
- IOPanel1_Name : Front
- IOPanel1_Image : null
- IOPanel2_Name : Front
- IOPanel2_Image : null
- WebSlug : Acer-Chromebook-15-CB515-1HT-and-1H
- HardwareVariants : acer-chromebook-15-cb515-1ht-c298,acer-chromebook-15-cb515-1ht-p39b,acer-chromebook-15-cb515-1h-c3md,cb515-1ht-p58c,cb515-1ht,cb515-1h,

USE Flags

 sand background_blur unibuild has_chromeos_config_bsp uprev-4-to-5 arc_squashfs_zstd


- steam_support_stable : false
- analysis_version_stable : 8
- android_app_support_stable : true
- android_version_stable : Android Pie 9
- app_board_stable : sand-signed-mpkeys
- board_id_stable : {533B7092-5828-48E6-9F77-C7ADCBF8F7E9}
- check_time_stable : 2024-01-17 05:22:55.928680
- chrome_version_stable : 120.0.6099.235
- chromeos_arc_android_sdk_version_stable : 28
- chromeos_arc_version_stable : 11277391
- chromeos_auserver_stable :
- chromeos_board_appid_stable : {533B7092-5828-48E6-9F77-C7ADCBF8F7E9}
- chromeos_canary_appid_stable : {90F229CE-83E2-4FAF-8479-E368A34938B1}
- chromeos_devserver_stable : 
- chromeos_release_appid_stable : {533B7092-5828-48E6-9F77-C7ADCBF8F7E9}
- chromeos_release_board_stable : sand-signed-mp-v3keys
- chromeos_release_branch_number_stable : 76
- chromeos_release_build_number_stable : 15662
- chromeos_release_build_type_stable : Official Build
- chromeos_release_builder_path_stable : sand-release/R120-15662.76.0
- chromeos_release_chrome_milestone_stable : 120
- chromeos_release_description_stable : 15662.76.0 (Official Build) stable-channel sand 
- chromeos_release_keyset_stable : mp-v3
- chromeos_release_name_stable : Chrome OS
- chromeos_release_patch_number_stable : 0
- chromeos_release_track_stable : stable-channel
- chromeos_release_unibuild_stable : 1
- chromeos_release_version_stable : 15662.76.0
- chromeos_version_stable : 15662.76.0
- crostini_support_stable : true
- devicetype_stable : CHROMEBOOK
- eol_stable : false
- google_release_stable : 15662.76.0
- is_chromebook_plus_device_stable : false
- linux_kernel_versions_stable : 5.10.199-23590-gee7d5cfb599d
- parallels_support_stable : false
- sample_hwid_stable : SAND NNNN
- sha256_stable : 424638848ecde9784d242353b7e64f6f02e36d2ef08034b5309df9be37277c31
- size_stable : 1220563754
- status_stable : ok
- urls_stable :
- very_eol_stable : false
- USEFlags :  sand background_blur unibuild has_chromeos_config_bsp uprev-4-to-5 arc_squashfs_zstd


- steam_support_beta : false
- analysis_version_beta : 
- android_app_support_beta : 
- android_version_beta : 
- app_board_beta : 
- board_id_beta : 
- check_time_beta : 
- chrome_version_beta : 
- chromeos_arc_android_sdk_version_beta : 
- chromeos_arc_version_beta : 
- chromeos_auserver_beta : 
- chromeos_board_appid_beta : 
- chromeos_canary_appid_beta : 
- chromeos_devserver_beta : 
- chromeos_release_appid_beta : 
- chromeos_release_board_beta : 
- chromeos_release_branch_number_beta : 57
- chromeos_release_build_number_beta : 15662
- chromeos_release_build_type_beta : Official Build
- chromeos_release_builder_path_beta : sand-release/R120-15662.57.0
- chromeos_release_chrome_milestone_beta : 120
- chromeos_release_description_beta : 15662.57.0 (Official Build) beta-channel sand 
- chromeos_release_keyset_beta : mp-v3
- chromeos_release_name_beta : Chrome OS
- chromeos_release_patch_number_beta : 0
- chromeos_release_track_beta : beta-channel
- chromeos_release_unibuild_beta : 1
- chromeos_release_version_beta : 15662.57.0
- chromeos_version_beta : 15662.57.0
- crostini_support_beta : true
- devicetype_beta : CHROMEBOOK
- eol_beta : null
- google_release_beta : 15662.57.0
- is_chromebook_plus_device_beta : false
- linux_kernel_versions_beta : 5.10.199-23589-g26247a297885
- parallels_support_beta : false
- sample_hwid_beta : SAND NNNN
- sha256_beta : 93b536c337ee7d2c8ffd2e0df185d73f48ac02b396f22e430224f694ddbcf0bb
- size_beta : 1221009475
- status_beta : ok
- steam_support_beta : false
- urls_beta :
- very_eol_beta : null


- steam_support_dev : false
- analysis_version_dev : 
- android_app_support_dev : 
- android_version_dev : 
- app_board_dev : 
- board_id_dev : 
- check_time_dev : 
- chrome_version_dev : 
- chromeos_arc_android_sdk_version_dev : 
- chromeos_arc_version_dev : 
- chromeos_auserver_dev : 
- chromeos_board_appid_dev : 
- chromeos_canary_appid_dev : 
- chromeos_devserver_dev : 
- chromeos_release_appid_dev : 
- chromeos_release_board_dev : 
- chromeos_release_branch_number_dev : 0
- chromeos_release_build_number_dev : 15739
- chromeos_release_build_type_dev : Official Build
- chromeos_release_builder_path_dev : sand-release/R122-15739.0.0
- chromeos_release_chrome_milestone_dev : 122
- chromeos_release_description_dev : 15739.0.0 (Official Build) dev-channel sand 
- chromeos_release_keyset_dev : mp-v3
- chromeos_release_name_dev : Chrome OS
- chromeos_release_patch_number_dev : 0
- chromeos_release_track_dev : dev-channel
- chromeos_release_unibuild_dev : 1
- chromeos_release_version_dev : 15739.0.0
- chromeos_version_dev : 15739.0.0
- crostini_support_dev : true
- devicetype_dev : CHROMEBOOK
- eol_dev : null
- google_release_dev : 15739.0.0
- is_chromebook_plus_device_dev : false
- linux_kernel_versions_dev : 5.10.206-24035-g899a1a6fc6e1
- parallels_support_dev : false
- sample_hwid_dev : SAND NNNN
- sha256_dev : be92874be45cd2add063bc9e3d43c1257def1d20c4d99de38f14670704efe0da
- size_dev : 1229415180
- status_dev : ok
- steam_support_dev : false
- urls_dev :
- very_eol_dev : null


- steam_support_canary : false
- analysis_version_canary : 
- android_app_support_canary : 
- android_version_canary : 
- app_board_canary : 
- board_id_canary : 
- check_time_canary : 
- chrome_version_canary : 
- chromeos_arc_android_sdk_version_canary : 
- chromeos_arc_version_canary : 
- chromeos_auserver_canary : 
- chromeos_board_appid_canary : 
- chromeos_canary_appid_canary : 
- chromeos_devserver_canary : 
- chromeos_release_appid_canary : 
- chromeos_release_board_canary : 
- chromeos_release_branch_number_canary : 0
- chromeos_release_build_number_canary : 15749
- chromeos_release_build_type_canary : Official Build
- chromeos_release_builder_path_canary : sand-release/R122-15749.0.0
- chromeos_release_chrome_milestone_canary : 122
- chromeos_release_description_canary : 15749.0.0 (Official Build) canary-channel sand 
- chromeos_release_keyset_canary : mp-v3
- chromeos_release_name_canary : Chrome OS
- chromeos_release_patch_number_canary : 0
- chromeos_release_track_canary : canary-channel
- chromeos_release_unibuild_canary : 1
- chromeos_release_version_canary : 15749.0.0
- chromeos_version_canary : 15749.0.0
- crostini_support_canary : true
- devicetype_canary : CHROMEBOOK
- eol_canary : null
- google_release_canary : 15749.0.0
- is_chromebook_plus_device_canary : false
- linux_kernel_versions_canary : 5.10.208-24076-g43917ab6c851
- parallels_support_canary : false
- sample_hwid_canary : SAND NNNN
- sha256_canary : 69dedf79e74e3e3158f3bc946b43e162bb104d648ebc75cec0ab2ac4ce13c962
- size_canary : 1239409550
- status_canary : ok
- steam_support_canary : false
- urls_canary :
- very_eol_canary : null
