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pwd Command on ChromeOS Linux Environment

The pwd (print working directory) command is a simple yet essential utility in the Linux environment. It displays the full path of the current working directory, helping users orient themselves within the file system.

This guide covers the usage of the pwd command within the ChromeOS Linux (Crostini) environment.


The basic syntax of the pwd command is:

pwd [options]

Examples of Usage

Displaying the Current Directory

To print the full path of the current directory:


Example Output:


This indicates that the current working directory is /home/user.


-L (Logical Path)

Displays the logical path of the current directory, including any symbolic links.

pwd -L

If you navigate using symbolic links, this option ensures the path shown includes the symbolic link.

-P (Physical Path)

Displays the physical path of the current directory, resolving all symbolic links to their actual locations.

pwd -P

This is particularly useful when working in directories that include symbolic links.

Common Use Cases

Confirming Your Current Location

Use pwd to verify your current directory before performing operations like copying or moving files:


When working with symbolic links, use -P to see the actual physical directory:

pwd -P

Best Practices

  1. Combine with Navigation Commands: Use pwd after navigating with cd to confirm your location.
  2. Use with Scripts: Include pwd in scripts for debugging or logging current paths during execution.
  3. Prefer Physical Paths in Critical Operations: Use pwd -P when working with symbolic links to avoid unintended actions in the wrong directory.

The pwd command is a fundamental tool for Linux users. By mastering its simple functionality and understanding its options, ChromeOS users can confidently navigate and manage their Linux environments.