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Accessing Help with help

The help command in the ChromeOS Shell provides users with a quick way to access general help or detailed information about specific commands. It is a foundational utility for navigating and understanding the capabilities of the shell.


help [command]


  • [command] (optional): The name of the command for which you need help. If omitted, general help is displayed.


1. Display General Help


This lists all available commands and a brief description of their functionality.

2. Get Help for a Specific Command

help network_diag

This displays detailed information about the network_diag command, including its usage, options, and examples.

Additional Information

  • Comprehensive Command List: Running help without arguments is a great way to explore available tools and utilities in the shell.
  • Context-Specific Assistance: By specifying a command, users can dive deeper into its functionality and usage.
  • Complementary Command: Use help_advanced for access to more debugging-focused commands.

Best Practices

  1. Start with General Help
  2. Use help to familiarize yourself with available commands and identify the tools that meet your needs.

  3. Dive Deeper

  4. Specify a command with help to access detailed usage examples and explanations.

  5. Pair with Advanced Help

  6. Use help_advanced to uncover debugging and developer-focused commands for more complex tasks.

The help command is an indispensable resource for both new and experienced users, providing the guidance needed to efficiently navigate the ChromeOS Shell.