Advanced ChromeOS Topics
This section of The ChromeOS Guide was designed to assist with advanced topics that most users will likely never need to access when on a ChromeOS Device. This includes the use of the ChromeOS Shell and Developer Mode Resources. The contents of this section are intended for those with a technical background.
It is important to note that several features contained in this section may be restricted by system administrators if you are using a ChromeOS device issued by a school or employer.
Advanced ChromeOS Topics
- ChromeOS Developer Mode - ChromeOS Developer Mode is an advanced configuration that allows users to bypass standard security features, enabling access to the underlying Linux system for customization, development, and experimentation.
- ChromeOS Shell (CroSH) - The ChromeOS Shell, also known as crosh is a command line interface (CLI) that can be used to access advanced features and troubleshooting tools.
- Disk Images - ChromeOS does not include built-in tools for writing disk images to USB flash drives or MicroSD cards, which can be a challenge for users working with embedded systems or creating bootable media. This section provides alternative methods to help advanced users accomplish these tasks, including writing and clearing disk images on external storage.
- Chrome Flags - The Chrome Web Browser and ChromeOS has several hidden features that can be toggled via a series of switches that can be accessed via the Chrome Flags URI. This article will document the possible flags that can be changed and describe what each flag does.
- Internal Chrome URIs - ChromeOS and the Chrome Web Browser have several hidden utilities that help manage and control features. These utilities are accessed via Chrome URIs. This article outlines each of the URIs that are available to manage both the Chrome Web Browser and ChromeOS.