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Simplify3D on ChromeOS

Simplify3D is a professional-grade slicing software known for its advanced features, fine-tuned control over 3D print settings, and compatibility with a wide range of 3D printers. While Simplify3D is traditionally a desktop application, it can also be installed and used on x86-64-based ChromeOS devices that support Linux applications through Crostini. This section of the guide will walk you through the process of setting up Simplify3D on your ChromeOS device, including enabling Linux (Beta), installing the necessary dependencies, and configuring the software to optimize your 3D printing workflow. With Simplify3D on ChromeOS, you can harness the power of professional slicing tools right from your Chromebook or Chromebox.

Important Note for ARM-Based ChromeOS Devices

Simplify3D is not compatible with ARM-based ChromeOS devices. This limitation is due to the lack of support for the ARM architecture in Simplify3D's software. If you're using an ARM-based Chromebook, consider exploring other slicing applications compatible with your device, such as web-based or Android alternatives.

Installing Simplify3D on ChromeOS

1) Log into the Simplify3D Customer Portal

2) Download the "Linux 64 Bit Version" of Simplify3D

3) Share your ChromeOS Downloads Folder with your Linux Installation

4) Open a Linux Terminal and run the followiing commands to complete the installation of Simplify3D

You can install Simplify3D via the following instructions

mv /mnt/chromeos/MyFiles/Downloads/Simplify3D* ~/
unzip ~/
sudo ./Simplify3D*.run

Simplify3D does not currently have a ARM/ARM64 Release, please visit the ChromeOS Guide 3D Printing Section for other options

Launching Simplify3D

You can install Simplify3D via the following instructions

cd /opt/Simplify3D*

Simplify3D does not currently have a ARM/ARM64 Release, please visit the ChromeOS Guide 3D Printing Section for other options