OrcaSlicer on ChromeOS
OrcaSlicer is an advanced open-source 3D printing slicer based on BambuStudio, offering customizable features and optimized workflows for various printer models, Including, but not limited to, printers made by BambuLabs. OrcaSlicer will work on x86_64 ChromeOS Devices.
Installing OrcaSlicer
Navigate to https://github.com/SoftFever/OrcaSlicer/releases and download the latest Non-Ubuntu .AppImage, as of this writing, the correct file is named "OrcaSlicer_Linux_V2.2.0.AppImage" however you should download the latest release. You should move this .AppImage file into the root of your ChromeOS "Linux Files" directory
You can install OrcaSlicer via the following instructions
sudo apt install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev fuse
chmod +x OrcaSlicer_Linux_V2.2.0.AppImage
OrcaSlicer does not currently have a ARM/ARM64 Release, please visit the ChromeOS Guide 3D Printing Section for other options
Launching OrcaSlicer
You can launch OrcaSlicer via the following command
Selecting Default Root CA Store
When first launching OrcaSlicer, you will be asked to select the default root CA Store. When prompted, select "Remember This Choice" followed by "Yes".
First Run Wizard
When launching OrcaSlicer for the first time, you will be presented with the OrcaSlicer First Run Wizard which will guide you through the process of selecting your default printer and selecting filament profiles. OrcaSlicer has a robust selection of printer profiles for most printers on the market.
If you selected a BambuLabs Printer during the First Run Wizard, you will be promoted to install the BambuLabs Network Plugin which allows you to wirelessly connect to your printers via the BambuLabs Cloud Connector.