The ChromeOS.Guide
This website was designed to serve as the official companion for the Ultimate ChromeOS Guide that is available at most major ebook retailers. Although this website was primarily designed for customers of one of our books, it can also provide useful resources to all ChromeOS device owners.
The Ultimate ChromeOS Guide
Browse our library of ChromeOS Guides for electronic books that provide detailed instructions for most ChromeOS devices on the market. The Ultimate ChromeOS Guide is on sale via most retailers for $9.99. A free web based version of the ChromeOS Guide is also available.
First-Party Software
ChromeOS Devices ship with a set of applications that are pre-installed by default depeding on the device hardware. This section contains a list of first-party ChromeOS applications.
Third-Party Software
ChromeOS-enabled devices offer robust support for a wide array of applications, enhancing user productivity and experience. We recommend consulting our ChromeOS Device Database to understand the specific capabilities of your ChromeOS device to ensure it is compatible with applications listed in our database of third-party software
Progressive Web Applications (PWAs)
Third-Party Hardware Accessories
ChromeOS will work with most third-party accessories without issue however some hardware may require specialized drivers that may limit the functionality on ChromeOS. This database will include a list of tested hardware as well as detail any limits or instructions needed to get the hardware in question working.
Browse our collection of guides to help you learn how to master the features of ChromeOS bu focusing on both basic and advanced tutorials
Browse our selection of ChromeOS Troubleshooting Guides, which are designed to assist users in resolving many of the most common issues that may occur when using a ChromeOS Device.
ChromeOS Device Database
Browse Our Databse of Hundreds of ChromeOS Devices from dozens of manufacturers